DuPage County Prenuptial Agreement Q & A

Getting married is one of the most exciting times in someone’s life. Soon-to-be married couples eagerly anticipate spending the rest of their lives together and creating lasting memories. Yet before marriage, many couples decide that it is in their best interest to draft agreements on certain assets, and they often have questions that they are afraid to ask.

No Question is a Bad Question

When soon-to-be married couples fill out a prenuptial agreement before their wedding day, they are often embarrassed to ask certain questions about this process. Some of the questions include:

  • What is a prenuptial agreement?
  • If I get a prenuptial agreement, does that mean my fiancé does not trust me?
  • Do I really need a prenuptial agreement if I am not wealthy?
  • How much will a prenuptial agreement cost?
  • Can I do my own prenuptial agreement for free?
  • What is included in my prenuptial agreement?
  • When is a prenuptial agreement unnecessary?
  • Can we always make changes to our prenuptial agreement?
  • Is it too late to get a prenuptial agreement after we get married?

Prenuptial Agreement Questions Answered

A prenuptial agreement is a legal agreement made between both parties before marriage. This does not mean that there is lack of trust between both parties, but rather a means to protecting oneself in the event of a divorce.

A prenuptial agreement can be helpful for anyone, and can cost anywhere between $1,000 and $2,500. This requires the assistance of an experienced attorney. A prospective married couple cannot create a prenuptial agreement on their own.

Any assets, including pets and other living expenses, are typically included in a prenuptial agreement in the event of a separation or divorce.

A prenuptial agreement is unnecessary when both prospective spouses have no assets.

Prospective spouses can change their prenuptial agreement, as long as both parties agree to those changes.

After the couple gets married, they are no longer eligible to apply for a prenuptial agreement. However, they can create a postnuptial agreement which is a legal agreement made between both parties after marriage.

Contact Your Wheaton Family Law Attorney Today

Many legal questions can be unanswered before marriage, but Attorney Anthony Abear answers all prenuptial and postnuptial agreement questions in detail. With almost 20 years of practicing family law and divorce, Attorney Abear has experience in explaining the process of prenuptial agreements before marriage. To schedule your free initial consultation before your wedding, please contact the skilled Wheaton family law lawyers at Abear Law Offices today at (630) 904-3033 to get the help you deserve.


