Monthly Archives: May 2017

New Child Support Calculation Model Could Further Complicate Illinois Family Court Process

Illinois made numerous changes to the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA) at the beginning of 2016. Now, with barely any time for families to adjust, lawmakers have made additional changes to a specific family court matter. This time around, it is a change to how child support is configured. Perhaps these alterations are meant to complement the numerous child-related changes made back in 2016, but what they may do is confuse families and create a potentially sticky situation for the children themselves.

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Some Things to Consider Before Filing for Divorce

Divorce is rarely an easy or simple decision. In fact, couples may spend months or years trying to determine if divorce is the correct path. If you are considering divorce but feel stuck in the decision-making process, the following considerations may help you decide if the marriage is worth salvaging, or if it may be better to let the relationship go. You will also learn some tips for navigating the pre-divorce process, including where to turn for help.

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When the Retirement Years and Divorce Intersect

Studies show that retiring couples are divorcing at an unprecedented rate – one that has doubled in just the last couple of decades. In many ways, it could be considered a positive thing. It suggests aging couples are living longer and have more financial confidence than they once did, and that gives them the power to make decisions by looking at their quality of life. They do not have to feel pressured to maintain the status quo. However, there are still some important factors to consider before pursuing divorce. The following explains further.

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Suspect Hidden Assets in Your Divorce? Here is What You Should Know

Are you going through a divorce? Do you suspect that your spouse may be hiding assets to get more than their fair share? You are not alone. In fact, research suggests that many Americans are guilty of hiding money from their spouses during the marriage. It stands to reason that they might continue hiding this money in divorce. Unfortunately, those hidden assets can leave one party disadvantaged, not just immediately after the divorce, but perhaps, for years to come. Learn how to minimize your risk and employ the following strategies and resources in your divorce case.

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