Some Things to Consider Before Filing for Divorce

Divorce is rarely an easy or simple decision. In fact, couples may spend months or years trying to determine if divorce is the correct path. If you are considering divorce but feel stuck in the decision-making process, the following considerations may help you decide if the marriage is worth salvaging, or if it may be better to let the relationship go. You will also learn some tips for navigating the pre-divorce process, including where to turn for help.

Should You Stay or Should You Go?

When deciding whether to fight for your marriage or let go, it can help if you consider whether what you are receiving from the marriage enough to make you stay. Perhaps the emotional connection is not what you want it to be, but you feel that the help from your spouse with family, responsibilities, and finances makes up for that. Or maybe your intimate life is just too important to overlook. In the end, only you can decide what is right for you.

Another thing to consider is if you will truly be any happier if the marriage ends. Some people may think it is their marriage causing the stress or unhappiness in their life, but it may be an internal or personal matter that they need to deal with, regardless of whether the marriage ends or not. Granted, in some situations, ending the marriage could be the first step in addressing those issues. For example, if you want to work on your health but your spouse is continuously sabotaging your efforts, it may help you move forward if you leave the relationship.

Do You Still Love Your Spouse?

Love is not always enough to make a relationship work, but it can complicate a divorce. So, before you file, consider whether you still love your spouse or not. Being honest with your emotions can help you prepare for the onslaught of grief and loss that may accompany the filing for divorce. It can also help you stay grounded when making decisions regarding assets and child-related matters because you are at least aware of your ability to overreact out of grief.

How Can You Reduce the Impact on Your Children?

If you have children, the one thing holding you back from moving forward could be fear over how your kids will handle the split. Perhaps considering how you can reduce the impact on them, before you file, can help put your mind at ease. Consider how you will talk to the kids about the divorce, how you will work through the difficulties of co-parenting, and how you can foster a healthy post-divorce family. Remember: at the end of everything, you and your spouse will still have to parent your child together.

Contact Our Wheaton Divorce Attorneys

Are you ready to move forward with a divorce? Contact Abear Law Offices for assistance. Our seasoned Wheaton divorce lawyers will not only protect your rights and best interests, but we will carefully examine your situation to help you determine what your options may be. Schedule your consultation by calling 630-904-3033 today.
