Monthly Archives: August 2014

Expanding Your Family by Adoption

If you have ever considered adopting a child, you are not alone. This year, approximately 140,000 children will be adopted in the United States. This amounts to nearly 380 adoptions taking place every day. Current estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau report that there are 8.5 million adult and child adoptees living in America comprising about 2.5 percent of the population.

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Divorce Modification in Illinois

Any Illinois divorce is going to bring with it a well of emotions, most of which are unpleasant and can easily become physically and emotionally taxing. Unfortunately, these feelings can cause clouded judgment, which can become very problematic when dealing with a legal contract. Although use of an experienced Illinois divorce attorney can help to avert this problem, very often divorce decrees can need modification to assist one spouse or the other.

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Consequences of Divorce on Children in Illinois Child Custody Cases

Getting a divorce from a spouse who you have children with can be one of the most difficult and emotional times of your life. Unfortunately, this same emotional and psychological stress often carries over to your former spouse, and subsequently, to the children as well. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make during an Illinois divorce; causing negative consequences may be seen immediately, but also can have terrible long term effects on the childrens’ physical and mental health.

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Child Custody Problems: Substance Abuse and Divorce

A divorce can be one of the most turbulent times anyone ever has to go to go through. There are many factors that can further complicate the divorce process, even as it is already unpleasant. Some common problems that come up are issues splitting finances, disputes in child custody, and child support and alimony payments.

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Understanding Illinois Custody Statutes

If you have children and are going through a divorce, separation, or are not married to your children’s mother/father, you know that custody and visitation issues can be difficult.  Understanding your rights and the reasons behind the laws is an important step to making an ultimate decision.

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The Basics of Protective Orders

Unfortunately, sometimes a marriage or a live-in relationship can get abusive and it’s hard to know what steps you can take to remove yourself from the situation. In Illinois, the Illinois Domestic Violence Act (IDVA) is a law that specifically forbids any family and household members from continuous abusive acts.

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