Understanding Key Factors About Adoption in Illinois

The decision to adopt a child is an exciting time in one’s life — a time to establish a family or add to one’s family. However, there are several factors in adoption that are overlooked, including the cost of adoption and the types of adoption.

How Much Does it Cost to Adopt?

The cost of adoption completely depends on what services the adoptive family uses. If the family uses the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) sponsored adoptions, then they will pay nothing. Most adoptions, however, go through private lawyers or child welfare agencies, with completed adoption processes costing between $10,000 and $35,000.

The great variability in the cost of adopting depends on the type of adoption, stated fees, legal expenses, and expenses from the birth parent. The cost also depends on marketing expenses and if the agency offers a change in the fee bracket, depending on the adoptive parent’s financial situation. If there are any legal challenges whatsoever, then the adoptive parents can expect the total cost of adoption to skyrocket.

What are the Different Types of Adoption?

There are more types of adoption than one may think. Some people believe the adoption process is all the same, but there are five types of adoption that must be considered when planning to adopt:

  • Related Adoption: One or both adopting parents is related to the person being adopted. This is usually one of the easier types of adoption.
  • Agency Adoption: A child’s legal parents will either give the child to an agency, or the parents’ responsibilities are terminated by the court, with the agency authorized to place a child with adopting parents.
  • Private Adoption: A child is given to adopting parents right after birth, without the help of an agency placement. The adopting parents are not related to the child, and the birth parents have 72 hours after the child’s birth to change their minds regarding the adoption.
  • Adoption of an Adult: A person is adopted at the age of 18 years old or older.
  • Standby Adoption: When a legal parent expects to die from an illness and decides to give a certain person adoption rights to his or her child. The adoption is final after the parent dies.

Is Adoption the Right Decision?

If a person has a good reputation and no legal disability, and has lived in Illinois for at least six months, then he or she can adopt. That person must be 18 years old or older to adopt; however, if the person is under 18 years of age and has a good reason to adopt a child, then the court may grant that person adopting rights.

Contact a Wheaton, IL Family Law Attorney

If you or a loved one is considering adopting, the attorneys at Abear Law Offices can help. With experience in the family law practice, we are ready to answer any questions that you may have. To schedule a free initial consultation regarding your adoption case, please call a DuPage County family law lawyer at 630-904-3033 to receive the legal assistance you deserve.


