How Children Feel after a Divorce
Researchers have used everything from control groups to cohort data to determine the ways that divorce impacts children. Because of their work, society now has a better understanding of the risks, potential pitfalls, and behavioral issues that might occur in children during and after divorce. Their work has also paved a path for divorcing couples, ensuring they have an idea of how to reduce the risk of an adverse effect on their child. However, it was only recently that anyone looked at individual children to determine how they felt about the divorce process.
Troubles at School Are Common
Because they may not fully understand what is happening at home and may even feel pressured to step up and help more at home, children often experience troubles at school during and after divorce. In a Huffington Post interview, one child admitted to bullying other kids before suddenly becoming shy and withdrawn. Others might immediately become withdrawn, begin underperforming in school, or may suddenly lose interest in the subjects or activities they once loved. Thankfully, this effect often dissipates over time if the child’s parents strive for a healthy, connected relationship with their child.
Badmouthing the Other Parent Hurts
Guilt, anger, and resentment are all normal emotions during and after divorce, but it is important that parents avoid letting their emotions get the best of them – especially around their children. Badmouthing the other parent, arguing, and other common post-divorce issues can harm children, sometimes irreversibly. Such behavior can also increase the child’s risk of depression, self-esteem issues, anxiety, and other behavioral and mental disorders. Remember: you and your spouse are divorcing each other; no one is divorcing your child.
Some Children Feel Relief
When arguments are common in the home, or parents have reached the point that they cannot stand one another, children often feel a sense of relief after the divorce. The home often becomes calmer, and parents often flourish once the grief subsides. Not only does this reduce stress for children, but it also shows them that they should do what is best for them, no matter what the situation may be.
Contact Our Wheaton Divorce Attorney
If you are planning on filing for divorce and have children, contact Abear Law Offices for assistance. Our Wheaton divorce lawyer does more than just represent you. We work hard to protect the future and best interests of your child and always strive for the most favorable outcome. Schedule your consultation by calling 630-904-3033 today.